December 11th, 2020

ICRA Annual Conference 'Provenance and the Catalogue Raisonne' is a success

Over 230 attendees from 15 countries registered for and attended ICRA’s second annual conference held on 3 December on the subject of Provenance and the Catalogue Raisonné. The day-long event was staged entirely online and enabled art market professionals, scholars and students from around the world to listen to presentations and panels and to participate in meaningful discussions with each other as well as with the twenty speakers.

Attendees were invited to tune in from 9.30am GMT and could ask questions through a chat feed. The day concluded with networking staged in ‘Zoom Break-out rooms’. The day has been heralded a great success.

Feedback from attendees included these statements:

Such an extraordinary program, with an extremely well-balanced range of perspectives. It is really one of the most informative, interesting, and thought-provoking programs I have attended’.

‘ICRA feels like a community to me’.

‘Excellent and informative presenters with very interesting topics’.

‘The day has once again provided considerable food for thought and without a doubt will inform my journey in the research and production of a catalogue raisonné’.

Due to the international attendance list, ICRA recorded all the presentations and will make these recordings available to those who registered for the event.

There were eight sessions in total, including a How-to Guide to Research Techniques; Provenance and Forgeries: A Case study of the Beltracchi Affair; Restitution: Research Questions and Perspectives; Provenance and the Law; Provenance and the Collector; Provenance in Museums; Artists’ Estates and their Approach to Provenance and the Future of Provenance.

The event also saw the launch of the long-awaited new title from conference sponsor, Lund Humphries, entitled: Provenance Research Today: Principles, Practice, Problems (ed. Arthur Tompkins). Attendees were offered a special discount to purchase the book and others which together form a special collection of art books chosen for the ICRA conference.

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