
Membership benefits

Through the members-only section of the ICRA website, you can connect with fellow members all over the world who are engaged in similar projects and/or are facing similar challenges to allow for a meaningful exchange of ideas, research and information to the degree that each member wishes.

There is an online discussion forum where issues can be raised, shared and addressed, a valuable resource which draws directly on the collective experience of the membership. This forum is also used to highlight issues of greatest interest to the membership which can then inform future topics of ICRA’s annual conferences.

Throughout the year, there will be several free networking events exclusively for the ICRA membership to give members the opportunity to meet in person.

Discounted tickets to ICRA’s annual conference will be released to members a week before they become available at full-price to the general public. Please note that seats may be limited so members are encouraged to book early. The discounted rate for members will apply regardless of when the tickets are purchased.

Members have access to art lawyers in seven different jurisdictions who will provide legal advice free-of-charge for the first hour, and thereafter on discounted fee basis to be agreed with the lawyer in advance.

Members will be able to access a list of vetted and pre-approved service providers.


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