March 3rd, 2020

​Members visit Art Analysis & Research Lab

Dr. Nicholas Eastaugh, Founder and Chief Scientist, and Dr. Jilleen Nadolmy, Principal Investigator in the UK, hosted a fascinating talk and tour of the London Art Analysis offices and laboratories for ICRA members.

The firm is a recognized leader in art forensics which has become essential in the art market due to the complex nature of authentication, valuation and the increase in forgeries. Augmenting traditional art historical study with scientific technology in the art market could be one of the most important preservation and evaluation strategies of the twenty first century. It is an area that can be extremely helpful in reaching a better understanding of an artist’s techniques and materials, and one from which all catalogues raisonnes would benefit.

ICRA members who attended are encouraged to follow the continuing discussion on the event in the members’ zone of the website.

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